The stories in Katy Wimhurst’s collection ‘Snapshots of the Apocalypse and Other Stories’ are infused with the traditions of dystopia and magic realism, with a refreshing voice and twist. They are thought-provoking and quirky, speckled with a bitingly-dark humour. The title story describes a London that lingers on in the shadow of catastrophe; a haunting exploration of who and what survives.
When she got to the Embankment, she was relieved to find more people. London often seemed like a mausoleum these days, many having fled the city, many having died. At the Millennium Bridge, she frowned up at the building once known as Tate Modern, now the Tate Art and Refuge Centre or TARC. Its tower poked into the sky, like a one-fingered gesture at a mean cosmos.
- From ‘Snapshots of the Apocalypse’
Katy Wimhurst’s fiction has been published in numerous magazines and short story prize anthologies including The Guardian, Writers’ Forum, ShooterLit, Cafe Irreal, Ouen Press, Magic Oxygen Literary Prize, To Hull and Back Anthology, Earlyworks Press, Fabula Press, Serendipity and Blackpear Press. She has a particular interest in surrealism and magical realism, and has interviewed many writers for and other magazines. She did a PhD on surrealism before working in book publishing, and is
currently taking time out due to a serious chronic illness.
To get in touch with Isabelle Kenyon about reviewing Katy's collection, due for release in January 2022, use: